Gordon Harrower, LCSW, has been in the mental-health field in Virginia since 2002, after a varied career path that included publishing, music, and museum work. Gordon has worked primarily in the public mental-health crisis field, augmenting that perspective with work in case management and in a private-hospital setting.
Gordon works with adults of all ages, supporting each individual person’s efforts on their path to a happier life, whether that involves a short-term challenge or a life-long struggle. He has particular interest in family-of-origin issues and how they can manifest throughout our lives, as well as the complex effects of early trauma and how we learn to cope with them. Gordon prefers a flexible approach suited to the needs of the individual client, at times incorporating aspects of Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, principles of Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy, and Transactional Analysis. The focus is on a person’s strengths and healthy parts. A house-trained Yankee, Gordon Lives in Richmond, enjoying working on his fleet of dubious vehicles, playing, and singing traditional blues and R & B.