2301 North Parham Rd, Suite 5
Richmond VA 23229
This office is located on the corner of Fordson Road and North Parham. It is located near the 64 East/64 West interchange with North Parham Road. We are located 1.4 miles from Broad Street on North Parham Road.
Directions to this location:
*Please use the directions provided below. Mapquest and many other GPS tools give misleading directions to the Parham Road location. These tools direct you make a u-turn at Parham instead of making a turn onto Fordson Road to enter our facility.
Coming from the Short Pump area:
Take 64-E toward Richmond. Take the Parham Road exit, EXIT 181. Bear to the right onto North Parham Road. Get into your left lane making your first left hand turn at the light onto Fordson Road. Once on Fordson make your first left into the Pembrooke Medical Center. Go up the slight hill, as it levels off we are on the left. We are located in the middle building with 2305 above the front entrance.
Coming from Downtown Richmond area:
Take I-195 N to toward I-64/I-95. Merge onto 64W toward Charlottesville. Take the Parham Road South exit, EXIT 181A. Merge onto Parham Road and get into the left hand lane making your first left turn at the light onto Fordson Road. Once on Fordson make your first left into the Pembrooke Medical Center. Go up the slight hill, as it levels off we are on the left. We are located in the middle building with 2305 above the front entrance.